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Atlas Services

Ground Improvement
Improvement of soil bearing capacity by Vibro compaction and vibro replacement stone columns and grouting methods.

Micropiles and Minipiles
Construction of small diameter piles with high performance specially within existing buildings for underpinning.

The prevention of ground water influx or removal of ground watwer from construction sites through deep well or well point systems.

Deep foundations
Construction of large and small diameter foundation piles in all types of ground conditions.

Excavation support and earth retention systems
Construction of bored pile walls, installation of sheet piles and soldier piles for excavation support systems.

Anchors, Soil nails and Rock bolts
Installation of ground anchors for shoring works and slope stabilization by installation of soil nails and rock bolts.
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Our Vision and Values
22 February 2017 /
Our HSE Policy
21 February 2017 /
Our Branches
Dubai Office
Sharjah Office
Al Maktoum Street, NASA Building
Suite 602, P.O. Box 1464
Dubai , UAE
Tel : +971 4222 1606
Fax : +971 4227 5830
PO BOX 4750, Industrial Area IV, Behind Liberty Automobiles, Sharjah, UAE
Tel : +971 6533 1945
Fax : +971 6532 5684
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Need a geotechnical solution?
We at Atlas Foundations would love to give you free advice regarding your ground engineering problems. Let us know your geotechnical engineering issues and we will take it as a challenge to give you the best technically and financially feasible solution.